Sunday, January 17, 2016


No, this is not a pirate ship.  I'm sorry if I gave you false hope in thinking we were about to set sail on an epic adventure across the seven seas on daring quests to find hidden treasure, involving sword fights and mythical sea monsters.

Not that kind of blog unfortunately, but maybe someday?  If anyone owns a pirate ship...details would be appreciated.

What should you be expecting from this blog here, you might be asking?  Or not because you're probably thinking about that last piece of cake you're just about to eat.  If I were you that is most definitely what I would be thinking about.  Cake takes priority.

But books.  Books are what I will mostly be writing about.  They're pretty cool and if you're here you probably agree with me.

I've been making videos about books for a while now on my booktube channel of the same name Laura Luna Books.  Sometimes I have ideas though and things to say about books that I don't have time to film/feel like filming/put in the effort to look like something not resembling a human shaped potato and therefore I thought, huh, maybe I should make a blog?  Worth a shot.

So here we are and hopefully I'll be posting blogs and photos and embellishing on some of my book related videos on a regular basis.

It'll be something :)